Escargoo 不僅僅是產品,更是一種生活方式。這是關於生活中簡單的事情做得很好。它是關於對生活中能給我們帶來最大樂趣的事物的欣賞,我們的家人、我們的朋友、我們的激情以及我們可以簡單地擺脫我們每天必須處理的周圍壓力的方式。
Escargoo 旨在成為一個生活方式品牌,為全球“活躍人群”提供替代、快速、移動的活動住宿。
Escargoo 是一個社交聚會和睡眠環境,它將在全球活動中擁抱朋友和志同道合的“活躍分子”,讓“派對”在他們自己的 Escargoo 社區中繼續進行。
我們的價值觀表達了可以共享的體驗以及 Escargoo 激發的團結。
加入我們,體驗 Escargoo 的生活,記住……
在 Escargoo 發生的事情,就留在 Escargoo 中。
Escargoo 是我們產品系列中最簡單、用途最廣的臨時住宿。這是一個扁平包裝,兩人到四人,便攜式睡眠裝置,幾乎可以安裝在任何地方。
充氣時間不到 5 分鐘,這個堅固的吊艙可以與其他吊艙一起創造獨特的節日冒險和睡眠體驗。
Our range of original Inflate SuperCube and Cubes offer clean-lined and architecturally stimulating buildings which have been engineered to deliver the ultimate in fast architecture. These structures come with a range of enhancements to develop your event to any level from dry-hire to a turnkey serviced tour.
The Inflate Dome family offers a fully modular event system with futuristic lines subtly suggesting they could have come from outer space. These structures come with a range of enhancements to develop your event to any level from dry-hire to a turnkey serviced tour. The domes are ideal for all over temporary branding and black out spaces for inside projections.
We have the first range of award-winning AirClad structures for hire. These structures are the future of mobile modularity in building. They are perfect for building high-end events with contemporary fast architecture. These structures are engineered beyond the normal, offering the ability to be set up fast for events, but also being able to be installed for months or years with little maintenance.
We offer a comprehensive range of highly effective, lightweight, portable interior structures that appear to ‘pop-up’ from nowhere. Whether it be for ‘chill-out’ zones, additional meeting space, creating an inviting contemporary bar, or offering simple clear span coverage of stunning exhibition environments, our Pop Up range offers a solution to most needs.
We have a range of accessories to help develop your event, from flooring to furniture. This section gives an overview of the key elements we offer. If you have a specific interior need, we will develop a full package proposal to encompass that.
Inflate-designed one-off and samples available for hire. You will not find these anywhere else, so if you are looking for something out of the ordinary, please check us out. Please note this section is fluid and it is always worth asking what’s new and on the horizon if you’re looking for the extraordinary.
As well as creating effective space solutions for large indoor and outdoor events, Inflate offers a comprehensive range of highly effective lightweight, portable interior structures that appear to ‘pop-up’ from nowhere. Whether it be for ‘chill-out’ zones, additional meeting space, creating an inviting contemporary bar, or offering simple clear span coverage of stunning exhibition environments, our Lite range always offers a solution. I
In 1995 Nick Crosbie founded a design and production company called Inflate. This brand became the vehicle of an evolution of his ideas over the next 21 years which saw him initially designing and producing small household products, then developing trade shows and ultimately large outdoor event structures. The common thread through all these designs was inflatable technology. By the end of the 1990’s, there was a clear vision to create Inflate buildings.
At Inflate Works we take great pride in our crew and invest considerable time in training them. All crew undergo detailed, specialised training on not only the structures we work with butthe expectations of our clients and the demanding environment that is the event industry. We understand our clients needs and we ensure our crew do too.
Escargoo 的外部由重型防撕裂材料製成。這是縫合和縫合在一起的。該細胞通過加壓臍帶一次為多個豆莢充氣。為 Escargoo 充氣的風扇既高效又靜音,並且遠離吊艙。萬一發生風扇故障,系統會使用備用風扇運行。
作為標準,Escargo 有銀色外層和黑色內層。
Escargoo 有一個雙拉鍊捲門系統。當“Escargoo”騰空時,雙拉鍊動作允許將拉鍊頭鎖在一起以確保安全。如果需要“清新”的夜間睡眠,它還有一個內網,可以以相同的方式打開!
所有的設計細節和材料都得到了解決,以在功能和美學形式之間找到最佳平衡。耐用性對於確保我們所生的每個 Escargoo 都享有長壽和繁榮的生活至關重要。
Escargoo 在其結構中使用最少的材料。所有材料的選擇都是為了設計的適當性和使用的壽命。
Escargoo 可容納一張雙人床或兩張單人床。這些床是密封的充氣元件,並以與主要 Escargoo 類似的方式打包。
作為標準,Escargo 有銀色外層和黑色內層。
Escargoo 在吊艙內有足夠的空間來存放包袋和其他個人物品。
Escargoo 有用於懸掛便攜式 LED 照明裝置的天花板環,可以有用於手機充電的 USB 電源點。
Escargoo 的所有組件折疊、拉鍊和夾在一起。沒有任何小而繁瑣的元素可以丟失。這增強了設置和使用 Escargoo 的商業體驗,並減少了更換元素的需要。
Escargoo 有一個可拆卸的聚乙烯支柱接地板。它的邊緣從主殼的外側伸出並夾在上面。這對地面形成了防水密封,並防止白天或晚上不受歡迎的訪客!
Escargoo has been designed for fast and easy installation in under 10 minutes with as little as one person.
The structure comes packed in a bag about the size of a normal suitcase.
The ground sheet is pulled out and pinned flat to the floor. The main structure is then laid out on this sheet. The inner edge of the main shell is clipped to the upper edges of the ground sheet. Once complete the outer edges of the structure is pegged to the ground and the umbilical chord can be connected to the back of the structure.
Escargoo is then ready to inflate. Inflation takes from 2 minutes subject to how many Escargoo are connected along the umbilical air chord.
Deflation and re-packing follows the same process as above but in reverse.
If using Escargoo on hard surfaces the outer edge needs to be connected to ballast securing.
Optional Extras.
Please note optional extras may affect the unit cost of the standard Escargoo and the packing transport volumes.
These can be made to any colour match to enhance any brand offering or environment.
Solid plastic transport cases can be used to store Escargoo and used as secure internal storage.
The interior Escargoo has simple interior ground sheet flooring – rubber and carpets can be easily added to this.
Visor & Numbering.
Three line velcro numbers are used allowing easy pod identification from event to event.
There is a facility to zip in a rain visor around the door parameter.
All of the standard insulate features can be enhanced with further layers of air cell subject to technical requirements of the operational conditions. HVAC vents are built in to the rear wall to allow external units to be plugged in.
Escargoo offers a natural level of acoustic quality, which can be further enhanced with internal acoustic lining to the air-cells.
The Escargoo flat-pack system boosts its operational competitiveness over many of the other players in the industry, allowing very low operational costs to maximize short term accommodation deployments.
Escargoo is the simplest and most versatile of products. The design and proportion of the cells creates a strong and lightweight shell that inflates and deflates in minutes, for use over and over again. The airflow inflation system expels water from the seams, keeping the product water resistant and minimising the operational maintenance of Escargoo.
Escargoo is the friendly pod that links together by a unique air ‘umbilical’ chord, breathing life into multiple sleeping environments at once. Our favoured route is the ‘circle of 6’, with central air source sphere.
They can be set out in straight or curved lines to create mini communities with a difference, that give your guests the comfort, privacy and peace they require whilst still being close enough to all of the action.
It offers fast, flexible and cost-effective solutions to all types of temporary accommodation needs from festivals, events, crew and emergency shelters.
Offering flexible configurations and accommodation availability, an Escargoo commune of 75-100 twin rooms can be fully operational and ready to welcome guests within a day of arriving at almost any event or location around the world.
The commercial returns available make it an extremely attractive proposition to any brand that pride themselves in the temporary accommodation market.
The Escargoo flat-pack, ‘in-a-bag- system boosts its operational competitiveness over many other players in the industry, allowing very low operational costs to maximize short-term accommodation deployments.